9. Dedication II
Hiiiii shining earthlings! ^^ My life is kinda boring ever since school start~ Just lectures and tutorials every single day T____T It's so tiring~ Gotta endure for the next 4 months or so before I get to rest~ I will survive! D:Another dedication post to another important unnie: Min unnie! ^^ Pardon me but I'm gonna type in Chinese~ Hehe. Min姐姐哟~ 呵呵你最近都好忙呀T^T 忙坏了哟~ 记得要多休息哦T___T 如果你看见这个应该会感到很惊讶吧~ 因为太爱和感激你了所以一定要写在博客上~ 呵呵 还记得是因为狗狗才会和姐姐说话的。问了姐姐狗狗是不是泰萌萌的,还用了英语问你 你应该是愣着了吧。发现姐姐是中国人就和姐姐用华语交谈~ 渐渐地就比较亲近~ 也一直劝姐姐来新加坡演唱会~ 呵呵姐姐果然来了~ 爱的力量哟 我是说对泰萌的爱啦~ 哈哈!看见姐姐真的好高兴 就如看见自己姐姐似的 感觉好亲切~ 一见面就一直聊个不停 罕见哟!有谁会一见面就有说不完的话呀呵呵呵呵 姐姐买来的礼物真的好喜欢T^T 因为姐姐来新加坡的时间真的太短了所以都没办法带你到处逛:( 送姐姐走时也有点依依不舍的T___T 姐姐的那句"在推特联系哟"让我好欣慰~ 呵呵 一直都有和姐姐说心事也和感激姐姐都不嫌我烦 还会开导我神马的~ 最后....真的好感谢姐姐的礼物呀~ 专辑和maypole hoodie~ 下次来新加坡都由我来请客!好爱你 要再见哟!^^ 能认识姐姐真的是我的福气哈哈哈哈~
What a long one~ Hehe. But really, Min unnie is very nice to me, other than FT unnie! Cannot describe my love for this two unnies! Still the same thing, judge for all you want. You don't know how close I am to those unnies. ^^ Really hope that Min unnie can get more rest after her exams! T____T I miss her so much! ♡
Oh! Show you some cute stuff :D
Toodles! X
Monday, October 24, 2011 @ 12:49 AM / 0 daisies
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